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How Your Brain Works
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How Your Brain Works
If you feel stressed out, anxious, depressed, afraid, or other ways that limit your joyful expression of life, and if life feels like a constant struggle just to keep your head above water, let alone reach your financial, relationship, and other goals, then there’s a good chance that the problem begins in your brain. Understanding a few key ways that your brain functions helps explain how your challenges may be remedied.

How Your Brain Works

Everyone knows the most basic information about our brains and how they work. They’re made of about a hundred billion nerve cells (about as many trees as you’ll find in the Amazon jungle), and each cell connects to about ten thousand others (making a thousand trillion connections – about as many leaves in the Amazon). These cells transmit information via electical signals and neurochemicals. Some parts of your brain control autonomic functions like your heartbeat, breathing, digestion and blood pressure. Other parts collect sensory information and determine how much to pass through to consciousness. Other parts control voluntary movement. Other parts think and remember. That’s simple enough.

How Your Subconscious Works

To more fully understand how energy work and healing makes such a substantial impact, it’s important to know a few things about the subconscious, particularly the brain stem. The brain stem is the most basic part of the brain. It deals with low-level survival functions such as gathering food, sleeping, reproduction and self defense. The brains of organisms with the most basic brains consist of a brain stem and nothing else. The brain stem’s survival instinct – despite the best of intentions – is the root of many, perhaps most, of our “issues” that complicate our lives and cause us grief. For example, when a child touches a hot stove, the brain stem notices that this action is dangerous, and the next time the child sees a hot stove, it emits some chemicals that cause the emotion of fear. The child thus makes a negative association with touching hot stoves and, along with many other such lessons and any luck, will probably survive to adulthood. The problems begin when the brain stem starts protecting us in ways that also limit our growth, safety, happiness, success, relationships, peace of mind, and ability to thrive. For example, have you ever been rejected by someone you loved? Noting the unpleasant results, the brain stem gets to work on protecting you from ever suffering that way again. Next time you begin to feel those dangerous feelings of love, out come the same chemicals used for the hot stove. “Danger!” they shout. “Run for your life!” The second important thing to know about your subconscious is that it’s usually in charge. We’d like to think that our conscious mind makes rational decisions and those determine our actions, but science tells us otherwise in many cases. For example, the subconscious knows we’re going to act a split second before our conscious minds are even aware of the choice. Emotions are powerful motivators that not only influence our actions but also skew our perceptions and either support or limit our capacity to carry out good choices and reach our goals. The subconscious often gets compared to an ice burg – there’s a whole lot more below the surface than above, and the deep ocean currents carry it along more than merely the surface winds.

Good News & Bad News

On one hand, it’s a good thing the subconscious runs the show – if we had to consciously control all the functions that keep us alive, we wouldn’t survive for a minute! Our conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time. It’s a terrible multitasker and there are billions of bits of information entering our brain at any given moment. The bad news is that the subconscious doesn’t always make the decisions you wish it would. The other bad news is that these subconscious decisions are generally not only out of reach to your conscious mind, but utterly invisible. You might *know* you’re irrationally afraid of heights or authority figures or people you’re attracted to, but knowing that at the conscious level hardly seems to help. The other good news is that the deep-seated protections that trip you up can be permanently transformed. Various solutions with various degrees of effectiveness exist for you to choose from.

Solution Choices

You may choose talk therapy to to make the subconscious more conscious and learn skills to manage your emotions – which everyone must use to function in life. Highly skilled counselors can also guide you to conscious epiphanies that alter your perspectives and make life easier. Perhaps the biggest down side to traditional therapy is that significant breakthroughs may take time, and may not arrive at all. M. Scott Peck, in the excellent and insightful book The Road Less Traveled, shares a story of meeting twice a week with a client for two years before experiencing a significant breakthrough. While few therapists use his techniques anymore, that much time and money seems unconscionable when Utah Energy Works usually achieves better results within the first hour. You may also choose various energy healing modalities including massage and cranial-sacral therapy. The best practitioners do more than merely manipulate your muscles and spine, they intuitively sense how to skim off pent up emotional and energetic pressures which may eventually allow the deeper fears and paradigms release. If you choose to work with UtahEnergyWork.com, we will intuitively find our way through your mental-emotional and physical energies and help release, transcend, or transform them and let your thoughts and feelings follow their lead. Each client is unique, but most experience significant change in a single 60-90 minute session and leave feeling measurably better and more hopeful than when they arrived. We believe that our approach is not only one of the most easy, fast and effective, but certainly one of the most economical. It makes an excellent addition to any other healing modality you employ. Why not contact us today to set an appointment?

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